Monday, January 28, 2008

A New Project

I was told I don't blog often enough. I guess that's true. I tend to forget that this place exists or that I don't have anything special to talk about, unlike my good pal Holy Juan. I've never been very good at journaling, but I'm hoping that will all change soon. I recently picked up a book called: A Global Snapshot for the Digital Age. It's a book of pictures from floggers (photo bloggers) from around the world. Here's the website:

Just flipping thru it in the bookstore inspired me to pick up my camera and do something with it more often. Take a picture a day. Talk about it. Sounds simple enough I guess, but it's hard to get inspired around this suburb of Seattle. However, things always look different thru the lens, so there's probably a lot more photo ops out there than I think. Stay tuned for something exciting and new!

By the way, I did get my tattoo and it rocks! Here I am showing it off in Hawaii:


Anonymous said...

I think it's an AWESOME idea... if you are quiet and look around, inspiration will come in the strangest places.

HolyJuan said...

Yeah! I like to look in odd places like my pants and sometimes at photos of stuff in my pants.

Then I get drunk and pass out. When I awaken outside on the lawn, I reflect about my current situation and write it down on some bits of trash.